It is very challenging to devote yourself to advancing the kingdom. It is upside down. It is difficult, it is offensive to many. You will be persecuted and when you are rejoice! I heard a great Rabbi say that once. Rejoice.
So I have been challenged alot when it comes to my own defaults and the Spirt of God is creating new defaults within me. Our humanistic response and defaults can led to great pitfalls.
Now I was raised to think that faith without works is dead. The book of James teaches us so. So my default thinking in my human nature was always to take action. That is the goal of faith, without action or works it is simply dead.
Most of the time my default has been my human instincts. Which can blur the line of God's true desire. In the movie Prince Caspian Peter went into battle like he did in the first movie but this time he got his tail kicked. Later when he finally caught up to Aslan he learned that things do not happen the same way twice in the kingdom. It was not Aslan's will for him to go to battle but his default thinking was trumping the very will of God.
So I am learning new defaults which requires a great relationship with my Father. Faith without works is dead. So the new default is to seek the Lord and ask him what his will is concerning any circumstance. So if God says wait in a particular situation that is the work, waiting. If he says to pray, that is the work. To many times the pressure even in the Christians realms can work against this. We have so many programs and formulas to go by, who needs to seek the Lord. We even have church in a box, order this kit, open it and boom you will have it. I really am not a fan of this kind of approach. It takes the authentic out of it. I want to hear from God and do what he says to do, even if it works against most Christians default thinking.
Unless the Lord builds the house we labor in vain. So it is not that we do not labor but its more about who is building. We must be in tune with the builder and then our labor will matter and advance the will of the Father.
One of the problems is that in a culture that is enslaved to production. The hustle and bustle of life. Waiting on the Lord seems weak, prayer seems weak. So many of us are slaves to the grind that we have default thinking that is faulty. Working in our own strength like Peter and getting our tails kicked in battle.
So may we be in tune with the Father's will. May we seek after Him. As we come to know His will may we simply obey it, no matter what.
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