Moral decay all around. A culture dripping with lustful ways. Everything has to be sexy in a society given to animal like instincts. Less than human actions seems to be all around us. We live in a culture that sells sex. Porn grosses more than all American sports combined. Sex. Sexy. Lust. Lustful we have become, a culture that has objectified. Not seeing people but lusting after objects. Desensitized in our view of humanity and sexuality. Virginity is no longer sacred. How can we be healed from such deep pits of despair?
Once Jesus said, "You have head it said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a women lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " Then he goes on to say if your eye causes you to sin gouge it out and if your hand causes you to sin cut it off.
Pretty intense thoughts and a whole new standard of behavior.
I read a while back from a Rabbi, I can not remember who it was, but he mentioned a great thought. Think about how the eye and the hand are connected to lust. I had never connected that all together in what Christ was saying. The point is not to physically gouge or cut yourself. Rather it is to take seriously the responsibility to guard your heart and remain pure or establish purity in your life. What Jesus was saying was to cut off, gouge out any gateway that feeds your lustful desires. Be serious about it and cut it off for the sake of your soul.
Culture can be redeemed but I believe the Church will need to take seriously the mandate to cut and gouge out the portals and gateways that influence lust and desensitize our hearts.
I have an iPhone and I have had to gouge and cut on my phone. I cut the safari browser for a less powerful browser called X3 watch. It sends an accountability report to my wife! I have had to delete any app that has a built in web browser. My wife and I decided it would be better to cut out TV, in order to build greater relationship with our daughters. To live life instead of watching it!
We desire to establish moral purity in our home and cut out the sexy broken culture. Almost every station is dripping with sexy. So we cut it off and gouge it out to be fierce in our pursuit of holiness and morality.
Not everyone has to do what I have done but what everyone does have to do is seek the Lord and obey what he tells you concerning the things that need to be cut out of your life.
When we lust after a person, we are lusting after the divine image. Okay I will stop.
Love ya...
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